Short Version of Self-Assessment Scale of Job Performance

Versión reducida de la Escala de Autoevaluación del Desempeño en el Trabajo
Trabalho publicado na Annals of Psychology em outubro de 2020.


This paper aims to reduce the job performance self-assessment scale as well as control the response bias and acquiescence bias using vi-gnettes anchors and inverted items. The original scale database was com-posed of 20 items divided into two factors: task and context. For the re-duction, the ten items with higher factor loads and thresholds were chosen. The reduced scale was estimated by a general factor and two specific di-mensions: task and context, representing a bifactor model, with adequate adjustment indicators (RMSEA = .05; TLI = .98). To control response bi-as and acquiescence, a second study was carried out, in which the re-sponses were recoded and factor analyses were performed in order to make a comparison of the results with and without the use of the vignettes and inverted items. The results indicated that the vignettes improved the factorial loads; however, the reversed items did not perform better than the vignettes.
 Job performance; Self-evaluation of performance; Response bias.

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