Burnout Integrated Model Among Police in the Federal District: a Conceptual Expansion

Modelo Integrado de Burnout entre Policiais do Distrito Federal: uma Ampliação Conceitual.
Trabalho publicado na Revista Psicologia: Organizações & Trabalho (rPOT) em julho de 2021.



Identifying criminal infractions through police investigation is among
the attributions of the Civil Police. The extensive workload and the
advancement of violence expose police officers to the risk of becoming
ill due to burnout. The present study aims to test an integrated model
in which burnout will be predicted by the demands and resources of
the work. The instruments were applied online and distributed in the
police intranet. One hundred and sixty-four police officers participated,
56.4% men, with an average age of 40.90 years (SD = 8.22) and 12
years of work experience (SD = 7.87). The empirical model was
tested with dual mediation of perceived stress (person-organisation
adjustment) and recovery experiences. Task and social characteristics
negatively predict burnout and are therefore protective variables. Personorganization adjustment and recovery are protective mediators of these
relationships. The results contribute to expanding the literature about
the health-disease process of professionals related to public security.
 Occupational stress, police, work design, burnout.

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